“The country’s economic recovery will be driven: mothers as moral citizens in Brazilian far-right discourses by women”:
Maternity, Citizenship, Far-right, Governmentality, NeoliberalismAbstract
Departing from the ubiquitous transnational argument that women represent a new frontier for the economic development of nations, this paper analyzes a set of gendered discourses intertwined as an ideal maternal citizenship. I take the notion of neoliberalism as a mobile technology to illustrate how the Brazilian far-right government of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022) employed narrow moralizing narratives framing women as responsible maternal and entrepreneurial figures. Tasked with nurturing future generations with expected self-governing conduct, I highlight how poor women became morally responsible for promoting national progress, a framework that has been applicable both to progressive and neoconservative neoliberal political orientations.
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