Para Além do Centro: Atores Coletivos Periféricos, Movimentos Sociais e Territórios Marginais na Política de Confronto Pós-Junho de 2013
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2024)This dossier aims to explore new perspectives on protests and social mobilizations, focusing on the margins and peripheries, as opposed to the traditional centers of media and academic visibility.
Since the June 2013 protests, street politics in Brazil have undergone significant transformations. However, the predominant attention has been directed toward large urban centers, especially in the Southeast. This dossier proposes to shift the focus to less-studied territories and collective actors that have been marginalized, seeking to understand the diversity and vitality of politics at the margins.
Afetividades Marginais, Grupos Armados e Mercados Ilegais
Vol. 30 No. 02 (2023)Revista Plural - v.30 n.02 (2023). Afetividades Marginais, Grupos Armados e Mercados Ilegais