The success and the crisis of the identity wave in Brazil




Multiculturalism, identity politics, racism, reactionary


The experiments inspired by multiculturalism and the cultural practices developed by enforcing affirmative action saw their heydays in the period 2002-2016, within a new configuration that created opportunities for an identity movement hinging upon the positive evaluation of heritage and recognition of the formerly subaltern culture of large sections of the population that had been historically discriminated against. The essay scrutinizes the key terms and a few dynamics in this process, and a set of turning points that led to a crisis of the process itself. The main argument is that such crisis originates from both the internal weakness of the identity movement and the dangerous conservative outright attack on the multicultural mind set and on the right to diversity.


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Author Biography

  • Livio Sansone, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Livio Sansone é professor titular de antropologia e pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais (CEAO) da UFBA, e pesquisador do CNPq Nível 1b.


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How to Cite

Sansone, L. (2020). The success and the crisis of the identity wave in Brazil. Revista De Antropologia, 63(3), e178846.