Through the paths of the mud: dialogues between women potters and shellfish gatherers across south american ethnographic boundaries
Women selfish gatherers, women potters, Kichwa Lamas, Itaparica, mud/clayAbstract
This paper composes dialogues between indigenous anthropology and the anthropology of fishing communities. It analyzes the productive techniques and bodily experiences that women potters and women shellfish gatherers weave with the mud in its sensitive and conceptual aspects. It starts from the notion of mud/clay as a living entity that has singular material, historical and affective dynamics in each ethnographic context. Thus, it goes through narratives of women from the Kichwa Lamas communities in the Peruvian Amazon and the Island of Itaparica on the Brazilian Atlantic coast who, in the interstices of the anthropo/capitalocene, persist in the paths of the mud and the moon.
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