Confirmation bias in managerial decision-making: an experimental study with managers and accountants




Confirmation bias, Decision-making, Behavioral economics, Managers, Accountants


This study aimed to analyze the presence of confirmation bias in managers and accountants in a management decision-making process, as well as to analyze whether the way in which economic-financial information is presented influences the confirmation bias of these individuals in their decisions. To meet the research objective, we used the experimental methodology, applied to a sample of 86 accountants, 68 managers and 118 people with various activities (control group). The results showed that most managers and accountants have confirmation bias in management decision-making processes, that type (positive or negative) and level (simple or complex) factors of information do not influence the confirmation bias in the management decision-making and that negative information may influence the confirmation bias in choosing the most important information.


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How to Cite

Costa, D. F., Carvalho, F. de M., Moreira, B. C. de M., & Silva, W. S. (2020). Confirmation bias in managerial decision-making: an experimental study with managers and accountants. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 14, e164200.