Technological revolution in the business world and some opportunities and challenges in the accounting field




Technological Revolution, Business, Accounting, Auditing, Disruptive Innovation


This paper presentes na analysis on how the technological revolution in the business world brings new challenges and opportunities for professionals, professors, researchers and students, mainly, in the accounting and auditing fields. The disruptive innovations bring significant changes in professional occupations and in their activities that could be computerized (automated). Based on prior studies that analyze the computerization of professions, this paper presents some ways for professionals and academics to develop their activities and new possibilities considering the changes that occur as a consequence of disruptive innovations and how to seek new knowledge from initiatives developed together. From a professional perspective, the more the advisory and advisory activities the lower the risk of computerization. From an academic perspective, bring new tools available in programming languages ​​to extract and interpret data and texts to develop new variables and approaches can contribute to new research opportunities.


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How to Cite

Almeida, J. E. F. (2020). Technological revolution in the business world and some opportunities and challenges in the accounting field. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 14, e165516.