How to deliberate when everything is chaos? The moral dilemmas and ethical decision-making in public management in emergencies




Moral dilemma, Emergency management ethics, Disaster, Ethical decision, Public administration


In 2008, the Vale do Itajaí region in the state of Santa Catarina was reported nationally and internationally for one of the worst disasters in Brazil. After a period of heavy rainfall, the region suffered from flooding and landslides. Managers of state and local civil defense agencies had to make ethically complex decisions that involved personal and professional moral dilemmas related to rescuing, handling resources, and providing humanitarian aid. The teaching case aims to provide its participants with: familiarity with the theme emergency management ethics in public management; reflexive and argumentative capacity in cases containing moral dilemmas, based on ethical content (moral philosophies) present in the disciplines of philosophy and ethics; potentialize moral reasoning in complex decision-making situations; and developing the ability to recognize ethical issues related to public management for their professional practice. The teaching case’s context is based on real moral dilemmas adapted for teaching purposes. The case can be used in undergraduate programs in public administration, especially in courses related to ethics and philosophy. It can also be used in undergraduate and graduate programs in management, in courses that discuss the decision-making process.


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Teaching Cases and Other Contributions

How to Cite

Santos, L. S. ., Lebioda, L., & Serafim, M. C. (2021). How to deliberate when everything is chaos? The moral dilemmas and ethical decision-making in public management in emergencies. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 15, e169229.