The transparency of accounting information as an instrument for the formation of public spheres




Public spheres, Transparency, Accounting information, Social management


The objective of this theoretical essay is to verify how the transparency of accounting information can contribute to the formation of public spheres that can influence political decisions. Transparency is related to accounting language, making it clear, understandable and intelligible, so that it can be used daily by society. Accounting language is able to socialize and integrate people into organizations and society by articulating the intersection between transparency, publicity and accountability. The concept of public spheres is based on Habermas, and is understood to be a social phenomenon that, through dialogue, communicative action and understanding, highlights and dramatizes society's problems, and is able to influence political decisions. The transparency of accounting information can promote the engagement of individuals with the common good, integrating them with spaces of dialogue, thus stimulating the formation of public spheres which are capable of putting pressure on the state in political decisions. The transparency of accounting information makes it possible to generate a virtuous cycle in the relationship between society and the state, mediated by public spheres.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, Érica S. do, & Pereira, J. R. (2022). The transparency of accounting information as an instrument for the formation of public spheres. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 16, e195445.