Curriculum change and quality of teaching: research in teaching as a methodological proposal for the education of the global-scale accountant


  • Vilma Geni Slomski Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado
  • Antonio Carlos Ribeiro da Silva Universidade do Minho
  • Sonia Maria da Silva Gomes Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Isac Pimentel Guimarães Universidade do Estado da Bahia



Curricular Changes, Political and Educational Project, Teaching tied to research, Quality of teaching, Global-scale accountants


The aim of this article is to intensify the discussion and highlight the debate on curricular changes and the quality of teaching in the Universities, aiming to identify and point out the curricular model and practice capable of directing the educational work in the area of Accounting, seeking to make significant learning happen in the classroom, and, this way meeting the real necessities of students as far as current social and educational demands go. To do so, a theoretical essay was developed analyzing and discussing studies and research such as the ones by Latorre and Gonzáles (1992), Moraes, 1996; Demo, 1997; Cunha, 1998; Assmann, 2001; Libâneo, 2001; Chauí, 2001; Fazenda, 2002; Mazetto, 2003; Morin, 2001; 2005; Sousa Santos, 2006; Lampert, 2008; Dias Sobrinho, 2008; 2009 , and others who critically analyze the present model of university and its resulting curricular organization; as a counter argumentation, these authors support the collective construction of the Political and Educational Project; globalized curricula; and the implementation of the methodological principle of teaching tied to research as the most appropriate model to develop the scientific and technological education of students. It was possible to notice that the current curricular changes have demanded that the actions taken by students be based on and upon reality more and more, in relation to both, daily experience, and the future actions in the professional world. This emphasizes the relatedness between teaching and research as the educational principle best suited for putting into practice the current legal mechanism that portrays the competence and abilities professionals must bear when performing in their careers. Learning tied to research is a dialogic and challenging process that involves looking for ways through knowledge, as well as building arguments and their validation. It is thus possible to conclude that teaching through research aims not only at excellence, but also at the ground-breaking in university education, where taking hold and producing scientific knowledge are the conditions to live in a learning society and to face the challenges of modern times.


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How to Cite

Slomski, V. G., Silva, A. C. R. da, Gomes, S. M. da S., & Guimarães, I. P. (2010). Curriculum change and quality of teaching: research in teaching as a methodological proposal for the education of the global-scale accountant . Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 4(8), 160-188.