Pharmacy and drugstore in a new perspective of the rdc n. 44/2009 Anvisa


  • Lucio Sanches Esteves Pinto



Drogaria, Estabelecimento de Saúde, Farmácia, Resolução ANVISA, Brazilian National Sanitary Surveillance Agency, Drugstore, Health Facility, Pharmacy


This article aimed to explore what role exerted by pharmacies and drugstores in the context of public health, and whether such establishments are health establishments or businesses under the new perspective of regulating the activity approved by the RDC 44/2009 ANVISA. Although the activity performed by these establishments has its unquestionable relevance to public health, this does not make them health facilities, but commercial establishments of health concern. Accordingly, the proposed objectives and principles espoused by ANVISA will not be reached with the changes required by new regulation of pharmaceutical practice because the problems in the pharmaceutical trade are consequences of a health policy inconsistent and insufficient to the needs of population. Irresponsible self-medication, intoxication and irrational drug use are problems that only will be solved if the authorities act on the causes of them. The construction of new hospitals in cities where there is not any, expansion of medical, hospital, hiring of new doctors and improvement of their working conditions, investment in health education, graduating and training of pharmacists, integration of pharmaceutical care to the Health System, intensified surveillance, implementation of new campaigns aimed at health protection are examples of measures that will surely be more effective to solve the existing problems in the pharmaceutical trade.


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How to Cite

Esteves Pinto, L. S. (2011). Pharmacy and drugstore in a new perspective of the rdc n. 44/2009 Anvisa . Journal of Health Law, 12(2), 140-177.