Hematological transplantations and genetic selection in assisted parenthood projects


  • Ana Thereza Meireles de Araújo Universidade Federal da Bahia. Salvador/BA
  • José Edson Oliveira Araújo Filho Universidade Federal da Bahia. Salvador/BA




Baby Donor, Bioethics, Genetic Selection, Hematological Transplantations


This article is intended to analyze assisted parenthood projects aimed at the reproduction of an individual who is compatible with a recipient affected by hematological disease with indication for transplantation. This research was constructed from a medical and legal analysis, based on the need of clarifications belonging to both spheres of Science. The aim is to understand whether the decision of seeking programed birth of someone for the benefit of someone else degrades the rights of the human person, expressed by the constitutional concept of human dignity. For this, the access to medical knowledge was considered as relevant assumption, involving the understanding of transplantation indicators, genetic selection conducted by the therapeutic argument, and the subsequent evaluation of the motivations leading to assisted reproduction. The research is theoretical, adopting the analytical-discursive method.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Thereza Meireles de Araújo, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Salvador/BA

    Student of post graduation in Medicine and Health at Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); PhD in social Relationships and New Rights from UFBA; Master of Private and Economic Law from UFBA. Professor at Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), of the Program of Post Graduation in Law at Universidade Católica do Salvador (UCSal) and Faculdade Baiana de Direito. Salvador/BA.

  • José Edson Oliveira Araújo Filho, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Salvador/BA

    Student of the Post Graduation Course in Public Health of the Instituto de Saúde Coletiva of Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); Graduate Degree in Medicine from UFBA. Physician of the Family Health strategy in Salvador. Salvador/BA.


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. T. M. de, & Araújo Filho, J. E. O. (2020). Hematological transplantations and genetic selection in assisted parenthood projects. Journal of Health Law, 20(2), 47-68. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9044.v20i2p47-68