Subsidiarity as a densifying principle for the establishment of social benefits in the Brazilian federal state
the case of the Municipality of Pelotas/RS
Effectiveness, Federalism, Right to health, Solidarity, SubsidiarityAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the federative relationship between the Union and Municipality in the face of the provision of the social right to health. The dimensions of the federative pact to be analyzed are the administrative competence as well as the competence to directly raise financial resources. From these two competences, the notion whether there is a balance between the central entity and the peripheral entity will be obtained. The study will be guided by the principle of subsidiarity, as it refers to the distribution of competences. The research applied the hypothetical-deductive method in that it used the hypotheses of distribution of competences and financial revenues together with public spending on health in order to analyze whether the municipal entity has sufficient autonomy to carry out its constitutional obligations related to health. Books, articles and data were also used to analyze the theme.
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