The social use of reading through informative texts


  • Maria do Socorro Vasconcelos Academia de Ciências Sociais do Ceará



text, reading, neo-readers


"What kind of meaning do the informative texts bring to the AlfaSol neo-readers?" It's an action-research project which aims to practice the new literates' reading skills through real daily life situations. The project is based on bibliographic research and the development of workshops in reading in the Community of Dendê using texts on social integration, citizenry practice, health care, environment protection and improvement of people's life quality. The project focuses on the community's needs, according to the Law of Social Responsibility which led partnerships between private enterprises and the state government. Visits to the Community of the Dendê had been carried and contacts made with the local leaders. These visits had for objective to present and to argue with the leaders about the viability of the project and to select the place most adequate for the functioning the reading workshops. The people of the Community of Dendê is receiving a great contribution in the direction to perfect the reading techniques, to interpret texts with useful information, to create the habit to read with adult egresses of the literacy programs, to read jointly with familiar, the friends and neighbors, being exercised themselves all for a harmonic and solidarity life, in brainstorming to the current problems that affect all the collective


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Educação de Jovens e Adultos

How to Cite

Vasconcelos, M. do S. (2011). The social use of reading through informative texts . Acolhendo a Alfabetização Nos Países De Língua Portuguesa, 5(10), 9-22.