Racisme and Prejudice deconstruct attempts: a dialogue between North and Soyth in the XXI century


  • Nilce da Silva Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Educação




Canada, Brazil, deconstruction of racism, laws, school


This article has attempted to racism deconstruction political implemented by Brazil and Canada. As for this country, it approaches action held at the Faculty of Education, University of Sao Paulo, based on Law 10639/03 and supported by CNPq under ProAfrica Public proposal. Regarding Canada, pointed out the Law of Quebec, the Révolution tranquille, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the accommodements raisonnables as daily indicators movement that Quebec society is doing to deconstruct the different forms of racism, as we observe the constitution and existence of schools of different ethnic groups, social groups, religious, for example, the Portuguese School in Montreal. Finally, it is considered that the destruction of racism and prejudice are processes so long as their construction and this destruction is put into operation in Brazilian and Canadian societies characterized by immigrant reception


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Relações Norte e Sul

How to Cite

Silva, N. da. (2011). Racisme and Prejudice deconstruct attempts: a dialogue between North and Soyth in the XXI century . Acolhendo a Alfabetização Nos Países De Língua Portuguesa, 5(10), 123-145. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1980-7686.v5i10p123-145