Latin America in conflict: art and statements


  • Maria Cecília França Lourenço Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.



History, Memory, Monument, Dictatorship, Art


The study want to investigate, editing and dissemination of particularly History entered in mark, found subtle writing. Local art designed working as sort of parable, to be marked in young people, next to define ideology. Invite artists to erect facts in which episodes transform the memory/equity in a special category. Sometimes exert delete function of given recent, being precise analyzing friction. Work in the urban space, not infrequently, as a reference and fixed to the passer-by. So why are being attacked? Does symbolic acts would serve to blur boundaries between spaces in conflict? 


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Author Biography

  • Maria Cecília França Lourenço, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.

    Professora Titular Sênior. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Universidade de São Paulo. Líder do Grupo Museu/ Patrimônio. 



How to Cite

Lourenço, M. C. F. (2018). Latin America in conflict: art and statements. Revista ARA, 4, 73-96.