Besides the architecture and the city, the unique place


  • Betty Mirocznik Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Architecture, City, Phenomelogy, Atmosphere, Peter Zumthor, Martin Heidegger, Chritian Norberg-schulz


The present text is an appreciation of the problematization of the relationship between man and space as a tool for the construction of a unique experimentation that gives us a sense of belonging, of transformation from what was originally a strange space, now a place of greater empathy and identity. For this, concepts of phenomenology based on the essays of Martin Heidegger, Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gernot Böhme will be used. For these philosophers, the experimentation of space is mediated by the body consciousness obtained from our encounter with things - tectonics, materials, topography, typology, and the local population. At this point, we emphasize the prioritization of experience and the feeling of being in a unique place that incorporates the genius loci (the spirit of the place). To this key is added the reflection related to the psychic apprehension of the architectural and urbanistic project from the concept of atmosphere, understood here from the reflections of the German philosopher Gernot Böhme - in explicit reference to Heidegger - as a space in tune with a whole. of undefined and spatially distributed elements. This occurs through the correlation between an emitting presence and the physical perception of the subject. Add to this narrative, the analysis of the design of the archaeological site Shelters for Roman, by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, to find several of the themes addressed by these philosophers and the architect himself. For reflection, whenever we dwell on the theme of architecture, we will also, albeit indirectly, address the cities.


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How to Cite

Mirocznik, B. (2019). Besides the architecture and the city, the unique place. Revista ARA, 7(7), 173-191.