The digital in collective art: COVID Latam and Opavivará


  • Regina Lara Silveira Mello Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Leslye Revely dos Santos Arguello Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Collectives, Art, Digital, Receptivity, Reproducibility


The article presents modes of production using the digital of two Latin American art collectives. COVID Latam with its photography works and Opavivará, which develops its artistic interventions in urban space and performs an expanded digital record. Thus, in a comparative perspective, it is intended to consider the use of digital in both, for the reflections of receptivity and reproducibility in the digital exhibition.


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How to Cite

Mello, R. L. S., & Arguello, L. R. dos S. (2022). The digital in collective art: COVID Latam and Opavivará. Revista ARA, 12(12), 97-120.