Do outro lado da ópera: as bandas como fator de expressão dos núcleos de pertencimento dos imigrantes, na virada do século XX


  • Diósnio Machado Neto Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades



Italian immigrants, Music, Beloging


The negotiation spaces of the Italian immigrants in the process of formation of the social nuclei within the rural reality of São Paulo ended up forming processes of affirmation of belonging, reinforced
by a symbolic remembrance that concomitantly kept the ballasts with the original land was open to the new reality. Much of this process took place through
music, in a field intersected between the opera and the band. However, unlike opera, which was incorporated into the values of local oligarchies and thus r e p r e s e n t e d i n h e r e n t l y s o c i a l stratification, the bands emerged as the main space of these cultural negotiations between natives and
oriundi. In a first moment, called pejoratively of “Italian bands”, these associations were essentials for the incorporation of the immigrant community in the affective structures of local subjecti v it y , as w el l as in consolidated musical sphere, such as the
local theater. Through the processes of the formations, the repertoire, the forms and spaces of the public presentation, as well as the projection of these bands in broader sociocultural settings, the
objective of this article is to problematize this movement. Specifically, it is to underline the process of transculturation involved, focusing on how the opera was a point of support for a movement, which
in the end, unfolded in many ways by band music, because this is the real possibility of articulating a musical heritage already established with the
place of culture. 


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Author Biography

  • Diósnio Machado Neto, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades

    É Professor Livre-Docente da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo (EACH-USP) e professor do programa de Pós-Graduação em Musicologia da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP). É membro do Italian and Ibero American Relationships Study Group (RIIA), sediado no IMLA-Veneza (Istituto per lo studio della música latinoamericana durante il periodo coloniale); do Study Group IMS Early Music in the New Word; e do Núcleo Caravelas do CESEM da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Recebeu Menção Honrosa no Prêmio Capes em 2009 pela tese "Administrando a festa: Música e iluminismo no Brasil colonial". É fundador da Associação Regional para América Latina e Caribe da International Musicology Society (ARLAC-IMS) e da Associação Brasileira de Musicologia (ABMUS). Coordena o Laboratório de Musicologia (LAMUS-EACH).






How to Cite

Do outro lado da ópera: as bandas como fator de expressão dos núcleos de pertencimento dos imigrantes, na virada do século XX. (2019). Revista Estudos Culturais, 4, 52-91.