Peaceful Solutions to Misunderstandings in Latin America: 1988 Survey


  • Guido Fernando Silva Soares Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Direito


Soluções Pacíficas de Litígios Internacionais. Relações Internacionais na América Latina, fora do contexto da OEA, Arbitragem no Brasil (cláusulas arbitrais em tratados internacionais vigentes).


This is a general analysis of the last 20 years of regional conflicts in Latin America, as well as the means which were used to deal with them, such as the so-called extrajudicial means, not included within the framework of the Organization of American States, OAS. There are considerations about mediation, conciliation and arbitration, with emphasis on the diplomatic negociations and on the regional economic integration organization. In a opic study, there is an analysis of the arbitral clauses (compromissory closes) such as those existing in the international agreements subscribed by Brazil, which can be good indicators of how Brazil has provided for the Country's international relations.


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Author Biography

  • Guido Fernando Silva Soares, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Direito

    Professor Associado de Direito Internacional da Faculdade de Direito da USP.


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How to Cite

Peaceful Solutions to Misunderstandings in Latin America: 1988 Survey. (1988). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 83, 176-218.