145th. Article of the Civil Procedure Code: on the Impossibility for Civil Engineers to do Agronomic Mapping on Farms


  • Antonio Claudio da Costa Machado


FDUSP, Imóvel Rural, Engenheiro Civil, Perícia.


The target of the present work is the demonstration that the legal disposition of the § 1o of the art. 145 of our Civil Procedure Law, with the new redaction given by the Law n. 8.455/92, established express prohibition that the state or federal judges nominate disqualified professionals for judicial examinations concerning activities that demand legal regulation, as those proceeded by engineers, architects or agronomic engineers under the legal discipline of the Law n. 5.194, 24.12.66, and of the Resolution n. 218, 29.06.73, of Confea, which distinguishes particularly the work of the agronomic engineer from the that one concerning the civil engineer.


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How to Cite

145th. Article of the Civil Procedure Code: on the Impossibility for Civil Engineers to do Agronomic Mapping on Farms. (1995). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 90, 385-396. https://revistas.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67306