Current contours of the euthanasia and of the orthothanasia: bioethics and biolaw. The need of the social control of the medical techniques


  • Maria Celeste Cordeiro Leite dos Santos


Ortotanásia, Bioética, Eutanásia.


The technoscience is present in our quotidian and makes advances in our way of thinking, of giving the life (Fertilization in vitro) or to administer the death (thanatechnology). In this logic, the traditional principle of inalienably of the human being has been substituted by a wider form, for the opposite principle of the alienably in the community's interest and for "reasons" of State. The reform of the Penal Code in your law project takes care of the euthanasia, specifically in the art. 121 § 3º, of the orthotanasia in § 4º as cause of exclusion of the illicitness. Critics and suggestions are for us presented.


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How to Cite

Current contours of the euthanasia and of the orthothanasia: bioethics and biolaw. The need of the social control of the medical techniques. (1999). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 94, 265-278.