The Brazilian Amnesty Law: the connection of crimes, the double face and the Human Right’s Treaties


  • Lucia Elena Arantes Ferreira Bastos


International Law, Humanitarian International Law, Human Rights, Amnesty, Dictatorship, Violations, International crimes, Crimes against the humanity.


Considering the context of the international law, what is discussed in this article is the relationship between the sovereignty and the compliance with the treaties of Human Rights protection, and more specifically the treaties that regard the enforcement amnesties laws to international crimes. Therefore, it is studied several amnesties in Brazil, emphasizing the one of 1979. In addition, this study comprises correlated subjects; such as the incorporation of norms of Human Rights protection; the coexistence of States and the International Law, the dictatorship, the practice of the terror, the applicability of rules not only in internal tension but also in armed conflict or civil war and the possibility of the forgiveness to violations committed in certain historical periods.


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International Law

How to Cite

The Brazilian Amnesty Law: the connection of crimes, the double face and the Human Right’s Treaties. (2008). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 103, 593-628.