About the Journal

About the Magazine


 Focus and Scope

THE JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO, available in electronic version, ISSN 2238-6149 (continuation of the printed version ISSN 1415-9104), is a continuous publication periodical of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. It is certified by the Digital Libraries and Collections Agency (ABCD-USP). Between 1990 and 2001, the publication was only in print. From 2002 until 2008, the periodical was presented in printed and electronic formats. From 2009 onwards, it adopted exclusively the electronic format.


Created in 1990, the magazine seeks to contribute to the process of scientific and professional consolidation of Occupational Therapy, promote the dissemination and updating of theoretical and practical trends and interdisciplinary and interprofessional dialogue with the fields in which it maintains interfaces and connections. It primarily publishes original and unpublished works that bring contributions to Occupational Therapy and related areas, resulting from research and professional practices produced at various levels of training (undergraduate, master's, doctorate and post-doctorate) by researchers, teachers, students, occupational therapists and professionals in related areas. Accepts submission of original articles and theoretical articles; experience reports and case studies; points of view and debates and; literature review. Publishes interviews, narratives or testimonials relevant to the area, commissioned by the magazine's editors, following specific invitations.


The work presented must respect the ethics criteria for research with human beings, and it is mandatory for the authors to explain, in the body of the work, whether there was approval from the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was carried out. When dealing with funded research, authors must indicate the funding institution and whether there is a conflict of interest.


The texts are the responsibility of the authors, even if they do not coincide with the point of view of the editors and the Editorial Board. The magazine uses the iThenticate tool to identify plagiarism.



Continuous Publishing


Peer review process (double-blind)

Manuscripts are submitted online and those that do not comply with the submission guidelines will be returned to the authors for the necessary adjustments before evaluation. Once submission is completed, the manuscripts will be analyzed, initially, by an editor, considering the focus and scope of the journal, relevance, theoretical-methodological foundation of the topic and its contributions to the field of debate in the area.


The texts approved in this process will be sent by the associated editor for evaluation by two reviewers (double-blind – anonymous for reviewers and authors). Reviewers can be ad hoc or members of the Editorial Board, appointed according to the topic presented. If there is disagreement about acceptance for publication, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer for consideration.


After the analysis, the editorial decision (acceptance, denial, or need for changes) will be sent to the authors, supported by the opinions and, when applicable, with guidelines for possible changes. When completed and sent to the journal, they will be subjected to a new round of evaluation, returning to the associated editors and reviewers.


The associate editor is responsible for communicating with referees and authors, and the final decision on the submitted manuscript is their responsibility and that of the editor-in-chief. This decision may be expressed by the terms: 1. manuscript accepted for publication, 2. manuscript that requires changes or 3. manuscript not recommended for publication.


When authors disagree with the opinion received, it is possible to request its review from the journal's editors, who may or may not forward the manuscript to the same ad hoc reviewers or to others, depending on the case. The information and reflections referred to in the manuscript submitted and accepted for publication are the responsibility of the authors.


Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


Fee Waiver Policy for Authors

The journal does not charge article submission and processing fees.


Permission, License and Disclosure

The publication of the work in the magazine implies respect for the copyright of the creators of the articles and allows versions of their publications to be deposited in an institutional repository or another of the author's choice, without embargo.


It also allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and develop related material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only, as long as attribution is given to the creators. If the reuser remixes, adapts or develops the material, they must license it under identical terms - CC BY NC SA.

(Creative Commons License)


Digital Preservation Policy

The magazine uses the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is a lifetime reference associated with the text, regardless of changes to its web address, which is carried out through CROSSREF.


The magazine links the publication of texts to ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which is a free, unique digital identifier that differentiates one academic/researcher from another and offers a solution to possible ambiguities and similarities in author names.

All magazines published on the USP Magazine Portal have a Content Archiving Policy based on the LOCKSS - PKP Preservation Network system.


Indexing, Databases and Directories

CAPES- http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br

Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal – LATINDEX https://www.latindex.org/latindex/

Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences – LILACS http://www.bireme.org

Diadorim - Directory of editorial policies of Brazilian scientific journals. - http://diadorim.ibict.br/handle/1/1839



USP Faculty of Medicine http://www.fm.usp.br/

Faculty of Medicine Foundation

Digital Libraries and Collections Agency - ABCD


Ethics, anti-plagiarism and good practices policy

The USP Occupational Therapy Journal follows the ethical guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and submissions must meet these guidelines. To learn about the Code, consult the original text in English CODE.


The journal affirms its ethical commitment in the publication process, which implies that authors, editors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Board must respect these principles. Thus, it seeks to guarantee the integrity of its editorial process, being aware of misconduct that may occur such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, manipulation of citations, falsification of data, ghost or gifted authorship, inclusion or removal of authors, ethical problems in research , unexplained conflicts of interest, manipulation of the peer review process, misappropriation of ideas or data and duplicity of publication.


Research Ethics

The journal respects CNS Resolution No. 466, of December 12, 2012. Therefore, the works presented must follow the ethics criteria for research with human beings, and it is mandatory for the authors to explain in the body of the work whether there was approval by the Research Committee. Ethics of the institution where the study was carried out.


All articles resulting from research involving human beings require approval from an Ethics Committee. Authors must attach proof of approval from the institution's Research Ethics Committee (CEP) (Represented opinion from the CEP obtained on the Plataforma Brasil website). For experience reports not submitted to the Ethics Committee, the manuscript must guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of subjects and/or institutions to which the text refers.


Plagiarism Prevention

To prevent plagiarism, the journal uses iThenticate (https://app.ithenticate.com), a service provided by CrossRef, to identify text similarity in already published scientific documents. More information can be obtained at: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check.


 Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence

The magazine does not accept publications in which generative Artificial Intelligences have been included as authors of the submitted texts, given the impossibility of assuming responsibility for their content. As authors must be responsible for the content of their manuscripts, excerpts of texts generated by generative Artificial Intelligence are not permitted in submitted manuscripts. For further details, see the COPE guidelines at: https://publicationethics.org/cope-position-statements/ai-author.


Retraction Policy

The magazine values post-publication debate through letters to the editor (to be sent to the email address revto@usp.br). If there are ethical and/or misconduct suspicions regarding a published manuscript or article, the editors will take the necessary measures to investigate it. The journal is committed to publishing corrections, clarifications and retractions, if necessary.



Responsibilities and Good Practices


The journal's editors (editors-in-chief and associates) must guarantee anonymous peer review processes for manuscripts, which are impartial and impartial, considering academic and professional content, without sexual, racial, ethnic, religious, nationality or orientation discrimination. authors' policy.


Editors have the responsibility to evaluate and take the necessary measures in case of misconduct or ethical complaints in relation to authors, referees, submitted or published manuscripts.


It is also up to editors to maintain an updated database of potential reviewers, providing agility and facilitating the appointment of reviewers to evaluate manuscripts.


Editors have the role of encouraging referees to: identify and comment on the ethical issues involved in submissions; contribute to the debates and studies submitted; participate in the evaluation processes, reinforcing the relevance of this role with the institutions to which they belong and; disclose to the authors the observations indicated in the evaluation of the submitted texts.


It is up to the editors to make the final decision on the publication of previously evaluated manuscripts. This decision must be guided by the scope and scope of the journal and in accordance with the requirements related to copyright and plagiarism, in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).



It is up to the reviewers to inform their availability or justify the impossibility of responding to an invitation for evaluation, taking into account the time stipulated for response, the completion of the evaluation or the presence of conflicts of interest.


During the evaluation process, reviewers must observe the adequacy of the manuscript to the proposed topic, the clarity of objectives, the coherence and relevance of the discussions and reflections carried out, considering the dialogue with the reference literature for the topic and, when necessary, pointing out linguistic correction and/or indicate bibliography to support the authors.


When the reviewer observes a relevant overlap or similarity between the manuscript under evaluation and other texts known to them, it is necessary to inform the journal editors of the issue.


Reviewers undertake to maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the manuscripts received for analysis, considering them as confidential texts, which cannot be commented on with colleagues or used for personal purposes. The same applies to the opinions and evaluations carried out.



Authors must ensure that the manuscripts submitted are original, not subject to evaluation in other dissemination vehicles (scientific or cultural). They must inform the contributions resulting from the collaborative work of co-authors, duly identified and aware of the submission.


The authors are committed to the correct presentation of information on the topic covered in the manuscript, whether interpretations, sources and analyzes of data carried out by them or from other publications, duly recognizing the contributions of other authors to the reflections presented. It is also essential to inform the sources of resources and financing accessed to develop the work. Authors must express conflicts of interest in relation to the journal, editorial board, co-authors or other nature and, if necessary, present retractions or corrections of errors.