Tolstoy Against Things: Ostranenie, Pragmatic Conversions and Natural Attitude




Viktor Shklovsky, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Ostranenie


The article discusses Viktor Shklovsky's concept of defamiliarization (ostranenie) from a broad perspective, including criticisms of it, its contemporary ramifications and even parallels, such as the Brechtian V-effekt. The author then moves on to a broad approach of Lev Tolstoy's work from the perspective of the previous considerations regarding the shklovskian term, bringing to light various particularities of Tolstoyan poetics that tension Shklovsky's formulations.


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Author Biography

  • Guilhem Pousson, Université Paris-Sorbonne

    Guilhem Pousson is a PhD candidate in Russian Literature at the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies at Université Paris-Sorbonne / CNRS.


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How to Cite

Pousson, G. (2024). Tolstoy Against Things: Ostranenie, Pragmatic Conversions and Natural Attitude. RUS (Sao Paulo), 15(26), 29-59.