Children and brands, that relationship possible? A view from the mascots


  • Ana Côrte-Real Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Paulo de Lencastre Universidade Católica Portuguesa



brand, mascots, children


This paper aims to present the reflections about the relationship between children and pets mediated brands. Therefore, we integrated the theoretical knowledge about the topics concerned by Macklin (1996), Ji (2002), Royal Court (2007), Lancaster (1997), Perez (2011), John (1999) among others and results from conducting focus groups with children conducted in the city of Porto in Portugal, aiming to investigate three specific semantics: abstract vs. figurative, vs round. vs. angular and symmetrical. asymmetrical. A summary of the results indicates that older children prefer and better recognize the stimuli and figurative, the newest recognize and prefer more abstract favorably. In round vs. semantic category. angular, it appears that the female children react more favorably to the stimulus round and the male to stimuli angular. At the category level vs symmetrical. Asymmetric female children prefer symmetrical stimuli, and these are more easily recognized by older children, children prefer male asymmetric stimuli and these are more easily recognized by the new.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Côrte-Real, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

    Doutora em Marketing pelo ISCTE/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e Mestre em Marketing pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Professora do Departamento de Marketing da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal. Coordenadora do Programa Internacional MBA Atlântico (Portugal, Brasil e Angola) e dos programas Executive Master na mesma universidade.

  • Paulo de Lencastre, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
    Doutor em Gestão e Semiótica pela Universidade Católica de Louvain, Bélgica. Mestre em Gestão pela Universidade do Porto. Professor do Departamento de Marketing da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal. Professor visitante na ECA USP e na PUC SP. Pesquisador colaborador do GESC3 – Grupo de Estudos Semióticos em Comunicação, Cultura e Consumo.



How to Cite

Children and brands, that relationship possible? A view from the mascots. Signos do Consumo, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 57–65, 2012. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-5057.v4i1p57-65. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.