The benefits of physical exercise on mental health and cognitive decline in aged people: An integrative review
Aged, Physical Exercise, Mental Health, Cognitive DysfunctionAbstract
Objective: to analyze the scientific production about the impact of physical exercise on aged
people’s mental health. Methodology: this is an integrative literature review carried out in 2021
with the following guiding question: Which are the benefits of physical exercise on aged people’s
mental health? The search for productions was conducted in the Scientific Electronic Library
Online, Web of Science and National Library of Medicine from the National Institutes of Health
databases, using the following controlled descriptors; “aged”, “physical exercise”, “mental health”
and “cognitive dysfunction”. Results: after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well
as reading the titles and abstracts and a subsequent full reading of the studies, 19 productions
remained, whose level of evidence was analyzed. The results revealed the following benefits
related to the practice of physical exercises: better scores in the Mini Mental State Examination
(MMSE); better self-perception of mental health; prevention of cognitive decline and delay in
its progression; decrease in depressive signs and symptoms; and development of effective
and long-lasting social relationships. Conclusion: the articles revealed that practicing physical
exercise has benefits for mental health; better self-perception of mental health; prevention of
cognitive decline and delay in its progression; reduction of depressive signs and symptoms; and
development of effective and long-lasting social relationships.
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