Lei, argumento e arte n’O Uraguai


  • Jean Pierre Chauvin Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes




Missões, Lei da Boa Razão, Épica, Basílio da Gama, O Uraguai


In this article, we propose to read O Uraguay, considering theological-political presuppositions and poetic-rhetorical conventions, under the influence of the Law of Good Reason, promulgated by king d. José I in 1769 – in the same year in which the epic poem of Basilio da Gama was published in Lisbon. In This approach we relativize categories like authorship and literature. We also problematize concepts of truth and originality and discuss conceptions of nativism and nationalism in the seventeenth-century Portuguese-Brazilian universe.


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Author Biography

  • Jean Pierre Chauvin, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes

    Professor de Cultura e Literatura Brasileira na ECA, USP.



How to Cite

Chauvin, J. P. (2021). Lei, argumento e arte n’O Uraguai. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 21, 191-212. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-8997.teresa.2021.161206