Cultural markers in translation of multimodal languages


  • Sabrina Moura Aragão Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Cultural markers, Multimodality, Comics translation


This work presents a discussion on the translation of cultural markers present in multimodal languages. In this sense, the multimodality perspective, which
shows that meaning is produced from the interrelation of different modes, or semiotic resources, is configured as a way of thinking about comic books translation. In view of the notion of cultural marker discussed in Translation Studies, we apply these concepts to the specificity of the comics language and its translation process. Considering these aspects, we defend the hypothesis that, in addition to the text, the image also represents cultural markers, which brings specific implications and questions about comics translation.


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Author Biography

  • Sabrina Moura Aragão, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Email:


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Número Especial - Tradução e Cultura

How to Cite

Aragão, S. M. (2021). Cultural markers in translation of multimodal languages. TradTerm, 40, 378-407.