Multimodality and the Representation of Linguistic Identity in the Dubbing of Encanto (2021): An Analysis of the character ‘Abuela Alma’




Linguistic identity, Encanto, Voice Quality, Dubling, Multimodality


The objective of this article was to describe and analyze linguistic identity in speech acts of a female character from the film Encanto (2021) in three dubbing versions: American English, Colombian Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. Through a multimodal analysis (RILLIARD et al., 2009), which involves acoustic and visual elements of speech, we aim to examine verbal cues (SEARLE & VANDERVEKEN, 2005), nonverbal cues (Ekman & Friesen, 1978), and auditory cues (Laver, 1980) in the representation of Colombian linguistic identity, focusing on voice quality analysis (PODESVA & CALLIER, 2015). The film portrays the life of a Colombian family endowed with magical powers, except for Mirabel Madrigal. The collected data correspond to one speech act, resulting in five fragments. Linguistic identity is considered as an indicator that voice quality patterns vary according to individuals and their communities, serving as a crucial resource for indexing and representing identity. Perception tests were applied to judges to recognize and validate the auditory adjustments perceived in the characters' speech. The results indicated the formation of new layers of meaning added to an original reference (the original dubbing) to enhance the representation of Colombian identity for viewers of each dubbed version




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How to Cite

Moraes Antonio , S. ., & Pardo Gonzalez, A. J. (2025). Multimodality and the Representation of Linguistic Identity in the Dubbing of Encanto (2021): An Analysis of the character ‘Abuela Alma’. TradTerm, 47, 84-106.