Vimala Devi, Ida Vitale And Gabriela Mistral: Women, Diaspora and a Lusophone Cross-Cultural Exchange


  • Carolina Cunha Carnier



women poetry, memory, exile, postcolonial


Latin America and certain European colonial territories in Africa and Asia, despite different contexts, are areas of convergence in poetic forms that problematize memory and exile. If much has already been said about the influence of Gabriela Mistral's work in the writing of different authors, however an approach between her work and the representations of Montevideo by Vitale is unprecedented, as well as to its relations to the sensitive representations of Goa from Devi. I focus, respectively, on the 3 parts of this analysis, in a selection of poems from Busca de lo impossible (1998) by Ida Vitale, Poema de Chile by Gabriela Mistral (1967) and Súria (1962) by Vimala Devi.



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Author Biography

  • Carolina Cunha Carnier

    Doutora em literatura francesa e brasileira pela Universidade de Lyon e a Universidade de São Paulo. Trabalha com a poesia moderna e contemporânea sob uma perspectiva comparatista. Seu último artigo publicado concerne a poesia escrita por mulheres numa perspectiva transatlântica: "Corps, langue et mémoire. Éléments pour une étude genrée de l'espace poétique ouest-atlantique", In: L'Atlantique littéraire au féminin. Approches comparatistes (XXe- XXIe siècles). Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2020.


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NERUDA, Pablo. Residencia en la Tierra. Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 2004.

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How to Cite

CARNIER, Carolina Cunha. Vimala Devi, Ida Vitale And Gabriela Mistral: Women, Diaspora and a Lusophone Cross-Cultural Exchange. Via Atlântica, São Paulo, v. 21, n. 2, p. 363–400, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/va.i38.167092. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.