Possible journalisms


  • Clarissa Henning Federal University of Sinos River Valley (Unisinos), Brasil.




journalism, cyberculture, productive routines, practice displacement


This article seeks to explore two new ways to make journalism: Ponte and Pública, which are known as examples of media resistance, either because they question the hegemonic journalism practices or problematize the teaching methods in Journalism schools. Therefore, this article analyses the website of each one of these initiatives, describing some of the premises indicated by them which can help the understanding of the journalism concept developed by them. Besides, the article intends to investigate not only the critics towards the hegemonic practices but also the traditional journalism practices that, according to each one of the sites, should be preserved.


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Author Biography

  • Clarissa Henning, Federal University of Sinos River Valley (Unisinos), Brasil.
    PhD candiate at the PostGraduate Programme in Communication of the Federal University of Sinos River Valley (Unisinos), Brasil.


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