Cartographies of political-mediatic processes and spectacle: media subjects and their adaptation to the political environment
Audiovisual images, power, spetacle, media subjects, cartography.Abstract
The objective of this article is to investigate mediatic processes of three
subjects in the political field, Tiririca (the clown), Jean Wyllys (the former BBB) and Romário (the football player), perceiving how they played a role in the Chamber of Deputies as individuals with previous media projection, from the study on the notion of spectacle and its relations
with the political and mediatic dynamics. To do so, it will be based on
the studies by Debord (2013), Negrini and Augusti (2013) and Weber
(2011). At this moment, it is brought to the metodological discussion
a cartographic perspective updated by Kastrup (2009). It is made an
analysis of the mediatic material, especially the audiovisual one, of mediated subjects as celebrities who have transferred their visibility to
the political sphere. It is possible to see that Tiririca, Jean Wyllys and
Romário have adapted to the political environment in a gradual way,
conciliating the media dynamics with their repertoires of celebrities.
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