“The amorous suffering of man”: misogyny and hate speech in manosphere self-help literature
Self-help, Manosphere, MisogynyAbstract
This article examines self-help literature that circulates in manosphere environments. Masculinist, or manosphere, movements have gained media prominence recently thanks to the dissemination of influencers and content creators who share misogyny disguised as “controversial opinions” on social platforms. We analyze the work of Nessahan Alita, pseudonym of an anonymous author who acts as a kind of “guru” for men who complain about their suffering in love. By investigating the form and content of what is propagated by this author and echoed in his community, we evaluate the relations between the format of the advice disseminated by self-help literature and the growth of hate speech against women and reflect on the impact of this mentality on contemporary subjects who consume this type of content.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mayka Castellano, Vinícius Machado Miguel
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