The main values in the journalistic discourse of Veja Magazine
Journalism, behaviour, values.Abstract
Twenty two cover matters from Veja magazine about behavior were analyzed, to define the main values that the magazine emphasizes as central to guide the contemporary behavior. The sample included 56 issues, from september 2003 to september 2004. The objective is to answer how Veja builds contemporary behavior and gives meanings to the values that guide it. With this purpose, the dominant values represented in the matters were mapped, identifying the discursive marks of these values and how they make an effect of paraphrases along several texts. We underline, in our conclusions, that Veja defends and individual health, beautiful, intelligence and that lives with pleasure.
Declaro a total e irrestrita cessão de direitos autorais sobre o texto enviado para publicação na Rumores – Revista Online de Comunicação, Linguagem e Mídias. Entendo que o conteúdo do artigo é de minha inteira responsabilidade, inclusive cabendo a mim a apresentação de permissão para uso de imagens, ilustrações, tabelas, gráficos de terceiros que, porventura, venham a integrá-lo.