The narrative of the journalistic discourse - the matter of the other
Journalism language, culture, representation.Abstract
This paper proposes a comparative analysis of the filmic scriptures in two documentaries: Falcão – os meninos do tráfico e Notícias de uma guerra particular. Considered as journalistic undertakes, these films might help the reflections on the representations of the Other, dealing with epistemologicallimitations which, from an hegemoniacal point of view, has oriented the studies about the field of Journalism. Considering both technological advances, which improves the productions of media discourses, and the notion of a libidinal power (Castro-Gómez), which settles down in global areas, this paper looks on the production of journalistic discourses by reflecting the current challenge of Cultural Studies: to throw light on a critical theory about contemporary society. Aware of the polarization and the shattering of nowadays speeches, we observe Foucault’s formulations. Besides, we consider Flusser´s thought on technical images and their indicative informations to suggest that, in the perspectives of journalistic discourse, it becomes fundamental to understand the way media reports install their own performances.
Declaro a total e irrestrita cessão de direitos autorais sobre o texto enviado para publicação na Rumores – Revista Online de Comunicação, Linguagem e Mídias. Entendo que o conteúdo do artigo é de minha inteira responsabilidade, inclusive cabendo a mim a apresentação de permissão para uso de imagens, ilustrações, tabelas, gráficos de terceiros que, porventura, venham a integrá-lo.