Audiovisual timing and being: dialogues between territory and culture.
Territoriality, audiovisual narratives, culture, local development, digital media.Abstract
In times of globalization and multiculturalism, the relationship between territory and culture tends to be blurred in audiovisual interfaces. They organize a time-space in which the local being "seems" subordinated to the emerging voices. So the dialogue among sciences and, in this case, between information and communication sciences is indispensable to the comprehension of such digital liquidity. We understand the audiovisual as an instance of the mediation process between culture and territory, between local and global. So we have chosen Piracaia, a city in the inner region of São Paulo, as the place to practice such mediation. The research-collaborative-action and the documental audiovisual production about cultural movements in the related city joined toghether with principles of local developenment based on education have designed a political economy of the stories narratives.Downloads
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