Incredible racing cars and their crystal-movement: poetics of Géo Ham's automobile images
automobilismo, poética das imagens, cartaz, Géo Ham (1900-1972)Abstract
This article wants to observe how the car racing posters, notably those drawn by French artist Géo Ham, can engender, in his poetic image of the automobile, a kind of static image that mentions the almost cinematic form of movement, called here moving-crystal. Using the theoretical framework of Gilles Deleuze and Groupe μ, the goal here is to see how these posters’ mise en scènes are portemanteau constructions that unite in a imagetic representation both movement-image as the time-image and, most important, that portemanteau is the graphical representation of the movement-crystal and it is crucial to the poetic thought of imagery arts focused on racing and sports.
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Declaro a total e irrestrita cessão de direitos autorais sobre o texto enviado para publicação na Rumores – Revista Online de Comunicação, Linguagem e Mídias. Entendo que o conteúdo do artigo é de minha inteira responsabilidade, inclusive cabendo a mim a apresentação de permissão para uso de imagens, ilustrações, tabelas, gráficos de terceiros que, porventura, venham a integrá-lo.