Searching for a Place: Two Little Explored Sources of the History of Women Artists




Elizabeth Ellet, Ellen Clayton, Biographies, Victorian Era, Women Artists


An accurate reading of Women Artists in all Ages and Countries (1859) and English Female Artists (1876) shows that Elizabeth Ellet and Ellen Clayton don’t restrict themselves to endorse patriarchal categories about female artistic production. On the contrary, their biographical compilations problematize some general issues, such as women’s life conditions and education, the existence of a “feminine” style, among others. The broad view offered by both books is very variegated and contributes to bring to light many names almost unknown and celebrate the role of women in the History of Art.


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Author Biography

  • Annateresa Fabris, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil

    Annateresa Fabris é Professora Titular aposentada da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Fabris, A. . (2021). Searching for a Place: Two Little Explored Sources of the History of Women Artists. ARS, 19(42), 528-589.