Tactics or production of subjectivities? Analyzing the activist documentary film for the humanization of childbirth


  • Aline de Andrade Ramos Cavalcanti Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona


Humanized childbirth, documentary film, neoliberalism, subjectivity, biopolitics,


In the 1940s a North American nurse showed the first movie that was recorded about childbirth in the Americas. Inspired by the theories of the English obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read that claimed the deconstruction needed “the horrible images on childbirth” Margaret Gamer opened a field of actions during the 1990s and 2000s when cinema became the key to fight for childbirth humanization: the documentary film. Investigating the history of what is known as “Movement for the humanization of childbirth assistance” we can see a narrow joint between an advance in politics and research and a boom in childbirth films. In this speech, we will deeply analyze in depth the speeches on childbirth humanization in four films that were famous in different Countries [Orgasmic Birth (USA, 2008) Debra Pascali-Bonaro, Le Premier Cri (France, 2007) by Gilles Maistre, Freedom for Birth (UK, 2013) Toni Harman and Alex Wakeford and finally O Renascimento do Parto (Brasil, 2013) Erica de Paula and Eduardo Chauvet] in order to try to explain the key function of this cultural production to satisfy a demand through an intense production of subjectivity.


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Author Biography

  • Aline de Andrade Ramos Cavalcanti, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona

    Aline de Andrade Ramos Cavalcanti es investigadora del Programa Doctorado Pleno en el Exterior apoyada por la CAPES – Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nível Superior. Posee graduación en Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (2010); Máster en Sociología, Programa de Pos Graduación en Sociología, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (2014) y actualmente cursa el doctorado en Antropología Social y Cultural, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Tiene experiencia en políticas de juventud, derechos de la infancia y adolescencia y movimientos sociales de mujeres. Trabajó con enseñanza a distancia, educación perinatal, popular y en derechos humanos. Investiga sobre el movimiento de humanización del parto, neoliberalismo, feminismo, la contribución teórica de Foucault y los debates alrededor de las biopolíticas.






Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Cavalcanti, A. de A. R. (2018). Tactics or production of subjectivities? Analyzing the activist documentary film for the humanization of childbirth. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 26(1), 111-131. https://revistas.usp.br/cadernosdecampo/article/view/132151