Memories, Materialities and Narratives in Alzheimer's Disease
memory, narrative, materiality, time, AlzheimerAbstract
In biomedical literature, dementia is a generic term used to describe a constellation of progressive and incurable conditions, commonly associated with the aging process. In this paper, I aim to reflect on the work of rebuilding and managing memories of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and/or other dementias in a multidisciplinary health service. As material for analysis, I present some cases and reports of my ethnographic research at the Reference Center in Elderly Health Care, at Universidade Federal Fluminense. I will try to describe part of the dynamics that I observe, the techniques that guide the health professionals in their work practices and the role of some artifacts in the maintaince of health and care. From this composite of experiences, I hope, finally, to analyze the means by which the autobiographical memories and cognition can be embodied and interwoven with material flows.
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