“Andarilhas”: agência, mobilidade e rebeldia na experiência colonial das mulheres Murui
Uitoto, Women, Gender, MobilitiesAbstract
Based on ethnographic work on biographical narratives of Murui women, an indigenous group from the Colombian-Peruvian Amazon, the article discusses mobility as constitutive of the female experience. Although both men and women migrate, move, and travel geographically from one place to another, mobility in women's lives is configured in particular ways due to the gender distinctions in the Murui socio-cosmologies, and because its articulation with the modern-colonial gender system. It argues that being a “andariega” refers to mobility as a female resource and agency, and also to the versatility to face the challenges of indeterminate trajectories, to enter into relationships, to articulate territories, new socialities, and to negotiate the challenges of a world permeated by hierarchies, symbolic, social, and political boundaries. In the Murui women narratives, agency, rebellion, and mobility are woven as embodied experiences, laden with teachings and advice for their daughters and sons about ways to inhabit, territorialize, and re-exist in the contemporary world.
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