Temporal ellipses and the unexpected in an ethnographic research on crisis and fear in Porto Alegre city
Fear culture, ruin, images, cityAbstract
The present article analyzes the ethnographic construction process about the characteristics of crisis and fear in Porto Alegre, the Capital of Rio Grande do Sul. It was developed, in the area of an integrated project research of CNPq entitled: “Estuclo antropolégico de itinerarios urbanos, formas de sociabilidade e meméria coletiva no mundo contemporaneo” (Anthropologic Study of urban itineraries, sociability forms and community memory in the contemporary world). The article is particularly about the process of labor in this fiel and about the plot nets that stimulated our reflection on terror culture present in complex modern societies.Downloads
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How to Cite
Rocha, A. L. C. da, & Eckert, C. (2000). Temporal ellipses and the unexpected in an ethnographic research on crisis and fear in Porto Alegre city. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 9(9), 27-41. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v9i9p27-41