“Sons of a single prayer” - Legal regulation of Identities and Paradoxes of Adequacy in the Recognition from Quilombo do Carmo


  • Rebeca Campos Ferreira Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo




Remnants of Quilombo Communities, Territorial Recognition, Ethnicity, Black Catholicism, Popular Catholicism


This article is focused on the process of recognizing and titling of Quilombo communities in the prescribed by Article 68 of the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988. The process in question, held by the state, aims to expedite the quilombolas collective property titles. The field of empirical observation is the Quilombo do Carmo, SP, formed by descendants of slaves from the Carmelite Order, self-appointed sons of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - "Sons of only a prayer" - which takes place the process of transformation of the group as a subject new set of rights. Here we develop a reflection on the dynamics of identities, by monitoring a group of ethnically differentiated towards the new horizon of rights, which leads to a reordering in the community, while political and social actor, going to respect the legal regulation 's identity.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, R. C. (2014). “Sons of a single prayer” - Legal regulation of Identities and Paradoxes of Adequacy in the Recognition from Quilombo do Carmo. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 22(22), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v22i22p13-31