The Lieutenant Nun, gender issues in historical studies


  • Mateo Paganini Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FFyH-UNC)



Catalina de Erauso, gender studies, studies on age, autobiography, interpretation.


This paper deals with the different interpretations generated by the particular story of Catalina de Erauso (1592-1650?), better known as the “Lieutenant Nun”, who escapes from a convent in Spain and travels to America dressed as a man. She also takes part in several battles as a Lieutenant of the Spanish Crown. This story brings up different interpretations, among which at least two trends can be recognized: one of them from the late 19th century, in which she is considered “an exceptional being” or an “anthropologic phenomenon”, carrying certain religious connotations. The other one, related to the late 20th century and contemporary critical essays, in which, due to the “queer” and “performatividad” theories the view has been renewed. The contrast between the different interpretations opens up new reflections about the importance of sociocultural context and about psychiatric category we usually think of when considering these types of stories.


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Author Biography

  • Mateo Paganini, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FFyH-UNC)

    Doctorando en Letras de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FFyH-UNC). Proyecto de tesis Doctoral titulado: “Identidades narrativas en los márgenes de la América colonial. Una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre las autobiografías de Catalina de Erauso y de fray Servando Teresa de Mier”. Dirigido por Dra. Adriana Rodríguez Pérsico y codirigido por Dra. Cecilia Inés Luque. Integrante del Programa de Estudios Indianos, Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA-UNC). Adscripto al Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (CIFFyH-UNC). Publicaciones: “El riesgo de las letras en Fedro”. In: Cornavaca, Ramón (comp.) Estudios Platónicos IV [2013]; “FRAY SERVANDO TERESA DE MIER, una enigmática personalidad latinoamericana” [2010].




How to Cite

PAGANINI, Mateo. The Lieutenant Nun, gender issues in historical studies. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 1, n. 8, p. 158–176, 2014. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v1i8p158-176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.