Memory or oblivion? Dealing with the present identity in relation to the ghosts of the past in Cristina Escofet’s Té de tías


  • Rocio Zalba Columbia College



Theatre, Melancholia, Nostalgia, Argentina, Dictatorship


In Té de tías (1985), the playwright Cristina Escofet demonstrates how an aggressor and a victim manage the afflictions caused by the ghosts of their past. The first character is a young man whose wish to perpetuate the dominant position of his antecessors and to reinstate his past through a restorative nostalgia leads him to self-destruction. The second is a young woman who, as a result of a productive melancholy, is able to confront those who emotionally and sexually abused her. Thus, she is able to free herself from the victim role and re-build her identity and future. Both characters lay bare the negotiations that emerge with memory and forgetfulness during and after Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983).


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Author Biography

  • Rocio Zalba, Columbia College
    Profesora Asociada de español en Columbia College, Carolina del Sur, EEUU. Su área de especialización es Teatro Latinoamericano y Teoría de Performance. Sus presentaciones y trabajos académicos exploran el teatro argentino de finales del siglo XX y principios del siglo XXI con un enfoque en el performance de la memoria. Sus publicaciones incluyen “El ‘mundito alusinado’ del Truco: la desmemoria argentina y el juego en Cristina Piña y Fabian Belinsky” y “Perras, marginalidad y violencia en el teatro argentino del siglo XXI”. Su último proyecto fue un libro co-editado con el Dr. Jorge Camacho y Dr.Hugo Medrano titulado Cuentos de la Habana Elegante (Stockero, 2014).



How to Cite

ZALBA, Rocio. Memory or oblivion? Dealing with the present identity in relation to the ghosts of the past in Cristina Escofet’s Té de tías. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 12, p. 52–75, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i12p52-75. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.