Interactive role of the reader of The Time of the Hero (1963) by Mario Vargas Llosa




textual analysis, semiotics, reading mechanisms, representation


In the following article, we will analyze the interest that the narrator of The Time of the Hero has in generating a cathartic effect of reception to the reader, either by making him feel identified with one of the characters or recognizing one of the situations that is posed in the text. In order for the sensitivity of the reader to be what the narrator seeks, knowledge of those mechanisms that will allow the association of characters is essential; therefore, we will use some concepts of Mario Perniolo, Slavoj Žižek, among others, to determine how this idealized reading project develops. Considering this possibility, it would be assumed that the assimilation of information is present during the reading, as well as the opposite: rejection, doubt or confusion; moreover, a critical attitude would be cultivated if it were the case or a repulsion towards unethical acts (violence). The same thing will happen with respect to the presentation of the representation of history in the novel as a plot, because the reader requires a logical sequence that can be understood (he will string together logical sequences, even though these are technically dispersed or confused); for this reason, the requirement based on their attention and recruitment will be necessary (in this way, you can deny or accept an exposed approach, as well as question it or simply ignore it).


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Author Biography

  • Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (UTP / Lima, Perú)

    Licenciado y doctorando en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Ejerció la docencia en la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, como también cumplió el rol de corrector de textos y tutor.


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How to Cite

DELGADO DEL AGUILA, Jesús Miguel. Interactive role of the reader of The Time of the Hero (1963) by Mario Vargas Llosa. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 18, p. 413–433, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v18i18p413-433. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.