Non-verbal communication in the Slam: the case of Dani Orviz


  • Diana Cullell University of Liverpool
  • Noèlia Díaz-Vicedo University of London



Poetry Slam, Contemporary Poetry, Communication, Non-verbal Communication, Kinesics


Poetry slams employ a highly complex communicative apparatus that comprises both verbal and non-verbal messages –and the latter are rarely considered in literary studies. This article will offer a multidisciplinary approach, making use of kinesics, non-verbal communication studies and performance studies, aiming to fill in a crucial gap in current studies of slam poetry. The article will use the three performances by Dani Orviz in the Grand Poetry Slam 2020 as case study. This world championship took place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impact of the internet on performance poetry will also be considered in the piece. The article and its analysis will aim to offer a more cohesive and complete study of slam poetry as a discourse and as a cultural product to be able to insert within the field of Spanish contemporary poetry more effectively.


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Author Biographies

  • Diana Cullell, University of Liverpool

    Catedrática de literatura española
    en la Universidad de Liverpool
    (Reino Unido). Ha publicado sobre
    numerosos autores y movimientos
    poéticos contemporáneos, con un
    especial interés en nuevas formas de
    poesía, la representación del cuerpo
    en la literatura y el mercado poético
    de los últimos 30 años.

  • Noèlia Díaz-Vicedo, University of London

    Poeta y doctora en Queen Mary
    University of London. Ha publicado
    sobre diversos autores de
    poesía contemporánea castellana,
    catalana y anglófona, con especial
    interés en las teorías de género
    e identidad y la relación entre
    cuerpo y lenguaje. Entre sus publicaciones
    destacan Constructing
    Feminine Poetics in the Works of
    a Late Twentieth-Century Catalan
    Woman Poet: Maria-Mercè Marçal


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How to Cite

CULLELL, Diana; DÍAZ-VICEDO, Noèlia. Non-verbal communication in the Slam: the case of Dani Orviz. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 21, p. 246–270, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i21p246-270. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.