Poppers uses and homoeroticism: towards a queer genealogy of the pharmacosexual regime





Genealogy, Poppers, Body, Sexuality, Technology


Different studies have shown that poppers users in sexual contexts use this antianginal as an anal dilator. From the risk paradigm, the socio-medical discourse has traced a regime of truth; that men who have sex with men (MSM) users of the substance are at risk. This is articulated around pharmacosexual essentialism, the medicalization of sex and famacologicism, placing them in a smooth, apolitical and culturally threatening social space, thus omitting their constituent and agential character. From a critical and transdisciplinary position, we investigate other possibilities, starting from a productive hypothesis of power associated with the pharmacosexual assemblage. We problematize the use of poppers in relation to the body and pleasure as a counter-knowledge dislocated from the sexual function. We argue that poppers act as a technological artifact that assists not only the denaturalization of bodily limits, but also a pharmacopolitical counter-fiction as a transitive space from which it is possible to contest the modern pharmacosexual regime.


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Author Biographies

  • Mauricio Sepúlveda Galeas, Universidad de Chile (U. de Chile)

    Mauricio Sepúlveda Galeas es Psicólogo social, Mtr. En Antropología médica y Dr. En Antropología, Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Docente de la Universidad de Chile. Investiga sobre gubernamentalidad biopolítica aplicada al campo de las drogas, tecnologías de cuerpo y subjetividades desde un enfoque postestructuralista y transdisciplinar.

  • Jorge Lucero Diaz, Universidad de Chile (U. de Chile)
    Jorge Lucero Díaz es Químico Farmacéutico, Psicólogo Social, MA Estudios Postcoloniales y Cultura Global, Doctorando Persona y Sociedad en el Mundo Contemporáneo UAB. Uso sexualizado de drogas, estudios culturales, cuerpo y estudios decoloniales.


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How to Cite

SEPÚLVEDA GALEAS, Mauricio; LUCERO DIAZ, Jorge. Poppers uses and homoeroticism: towards a queer genealogy of the pharmacosexual regime. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 25, p. 475–511, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i25p475-511. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/caracol/article/view/202140.. Acesso em: 3 jun. 2024.