Respect is mute: meetings and silences between Ricardo Piglia and Héctor Libertella


  • Diego Hernán Rosain Universidad de Buenos Aires



Héctor Libertella, Ricardo Piglia, Literary tradition, Literary canon, Creative project


Héctor Libertella and Ricardo Piglia were two insightful contemporary writers who made significant contributions to Argentine literature throughout their poetic and critical careers. Both exhibited a revisionist zeal for the cultural field while also introducing new narrative techniques and inaugurating fresh writing traditions. That’s why, almost instinctively, any researcher would not hesitate to conduct a comparative analysis between the two. Despite the affinities between their poetics and the experiential connections they shared, there were few, if any, dialogues and exchanges that occurred between them in their works. In the following work, we will conduct an in-depth analysis of the milestones that brought these two writers into contact and demonstrate that the mutual silences were a result of the literary space each sought to occupy, in line with their respective creative projects.


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Author Biography

  • Diego Hernán Rosain, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Diego Hernán Rosain es Licenciado y Profesor en Letras por la UBA. Es doctorando desde 2021 en la misma casa de estudios y becario del CONICET y la UNAHUR. Su tema de investigación es la literatura argentina del siglo XX.


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Libertella, Héctor. El árbol de Saussure. Una utopía. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo, 2000.

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How to Cite

ROSAIN, Diego Hernán. Respect is mute: meetings and silences between Ricardo Piglia and Héctor Libertella. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 26, p. 449–467, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i26p449-467. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.