Inhabiting a ruin from the present: traces of the horror, the resistance and the grief. On La Ilíada by Teatro de los Andes (2000)




Teatro de los Andes, memory, violence, resistance, mourning.


This paper describes and analyses Teatro de los Andes’ La Ilíada (2000). This play critically interprets the recent past of the civic-military dictatorships and the neoliberal present of Bolivia and Latin America by bringing Homer’s text into this context. This is possible thanks to a complex discursive, visual, linguistic – both Quechuan and Spanish – and musical architecture – local and European traditions –, which re-elaborates numerous and varied intertexts. Once this plays presents itself as the memory of a traumatic past-present from which we must learn, the present paper examines the forms of representation of mourning and violence, as well as the resistance and mourning practices.  In order to do so, we found support in Latin American Cultural Criticism and Memory Studies, and consider the social and historical period the plays discusses.


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Author Biography

  • María Gabriela Aimaretti, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Doctora en Teoría e Historia de las Artes por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Licenciada y profesora en Artes Combinadas por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. Becaria doctoral y posdoctoral del CONICET. Docente de la cátedra de Historia del Cine Latinoamericano y Argentino, FFyL UBA. Responsable de la sección “Reseñas bibliográficas especializadas” y miembro del comité editorial de la Revista Cine Documental.

    Sus campos de trabajo refieren por un lado, a las relaciones entre arte y política, representaciones de la historia, la violencia y la memoria, en Bolivia y Argentina, desde una perspectiva latinoamericanista. Y por otro, a las tensiones y resonancias entre expresiones de la cultura popular latinoamericana y sus mediaciones masivas, durante el siglo XX.



How to Cite

AIMARETTI, María Gabriela. Inhabiting a ruin from the present: traces of the horror, the resistance and the grief. On La Ilíada by Teatro de los Andes (2000). Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 12, p. 18–51, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i12p18-51. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.